Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lie After Lie

Nationalizing GM
Remember when President Obama nationalized the 2/3 of our automobile industry and took control over GM (alias Government Motors) and Chrysler Corporation? His BAILOUT was estimated at $85 BILLION dollars. The Obama government manipulated GM's bankruptcy and fired its CEO and let the unions take partial ownership at the expense of GM's bondholders. They called all of this a "Bailout." Next, they sold Chrysler to an Italian company!

But wait, the definition for "nationalize" is to "put under state control or ownership." No, of course they didn't call it Nationalizing. No, Obama called it a "Bailout." They can't let you know that they are behaving just like Fascist dictators. Democrats, Secular Progressives, and Marxists always have a funny way with words. Nationalizing is what a Fascist government does when it takes-over control of a company like Chavez does with radio and TV stations in Venezuela. But this is America, so they called it a Bailout instead of Nationalize. Ah, they're just words anyway... No American will even notice. Hey, we saved GM and all those union jobs!

The Bailout Worked
Not too long ago there was some fanfare (more government propaganda) at Government Motors when they indicated publically that they had paid-back their federal loans. (What they forgot to tell us is that they were also given federal funds to develop an electric car).

Wow, that was certainly good news for US taxpayers who are now technically shareholders after the unions. Or so we thought.

The wonderful GREEN POWERED Chevy Volt (fully electric car) is such a success as a Green Car that they sell what 40 cars a month? Well, the price tag is over $40,000 each so the average chum can't afford to buy one. No wonder! But they also forgot to tell you that the Chevy Volt has a record of catching fire while parked in a garage! Yeah, they don't mention to owners that those nasty lithium batteries are rather temperamental. Seems that a few Chevy Volts have caught fire and turned into giant melted balls of steel and plastic.

Stock Price Falling
It seems that GM's stock price has been falling lately. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe it's their new management! The government actually sold-off some shares of GM's stock but they still control the company.

So now after a couple of years, the Treasury Department just got around to counting exactly how much we as taxpayers shelled-out (got screwed out of). It seems that they counted wrong once again. Whoops! It must have been that fuzzy math. This time they were only off by a mere $9 BILLION dollars. The Federal Government will only loose $13.9 BILLION, $23.6BILLION, or $30 BILLION (depending on which report you read). But it was worth it! Obama says "The investment paid off. The hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been saved made it worth it."

How Many Lies Can YOU Take?
Plain and simple, ask yourself if you can believe ANYTHING that the government tells you. One thing we know for sure is that AMERICA IS HEADING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION - BIG TIME! We're getting sick and tired of the lies coming from the White House and Congress. Since we're not going in the right direction, we need to change the guy in charge of this fiasco. We cannot trust "OBLAMEMO" any longer.

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