Saturday, December 24, 2011

Stop Supporting RINOS

The Pseudo 2 Party System
We bet you think that we have a two party system in the united States Congress. WRONG! We used to have a two Party system. Now it's a one party system. It's the LEFT PROGRESSIVE PARTY SYSTEM with two branches, the Democratic branch and the Republican branch or GOP (Grand-Old-Party). They are BOTH to the left of center! Neither political party is Conservative! There is NO CONSERVATIVE party any longer. The GOP has been co opted by Progressives like John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Linsey Grahm. They say they are Republicans, but if you look at their records and what they support, they are hard-core Progressives. They all supported Cap & Trade, the Stimulus, amnesty for ILLEGALS, and government take-overs of the auto industry. Those are NOT Conservative views whatsoever. They are Progressive positions!

Time For A Conservative Party
America, it's time for a new political party to emerge once again. Call it the Conservative Party or whatever name you want. It should promote the values and tenants outlined in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't be fooled any longer. This isn't a proposition for a third party. This is a proposition for a true CONSERVATIVE Party. The second Party in the USA. The Republican Party (as we once knew it) is DEAD! Those calling themselves are purely RINOS. (Republicans in name only).

Action To Take
Demand a brand new party of Conservatives. Support a brand new party of Conservatives. Promote a brand new Party of Conservatives. Stop allowing yourselves to be misguided by the mainstream establishment. The GOP is dead. It's time for a new Conservative Party to form and help take-back American values and freedoms! Stop accepting the Progressive Presidential candidates being offered by the GOP establishment. None of the front leaders are CONSERVATIVES!

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