Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More GOP Propaganda

Romney Supports NDAA
Romney proved last night that he should never be the GOP nominee for the Presidential campaign. If you think that he's going to protect your God-given rights, you'd better think again! Romney said last night that he supports the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act). He said that if he were President that he would have signed NDAA into law and be proud of it!

Isn't That Enough?
So what does it take to convince you that Romney is the wrong candidate? Here are some things to consider:
  • He supports government-paid abortions.

  • Romney is anti-gun. He banned "assault weapons" (semi-automatic rifles) in Massachusetts.

  • Romney loves Big Government.

  • He won't cut or change the Federal tax structure.

  • He raised taxes in Massachusetts and added new government "fees" to cover increased spending.

  • Romney is a RINO and says just whatever YOU want to hear to get him elected.

  • Romney Flip-Flops depending on what he's running for - meaning that you CANNOT TRUST HIM!

Need one More?
Romney passed RomneyCare in Massachusetts. It's a MANDATORY health program that all citizens MUST buy into whether they want to or not. If that sounds like ObamaCare - you're RIGHT! Obama modeled his healthcare program after Romney's!

Don't Be Fooled
Stop being mislead by the Establishment GOP. Every four years they promote THEIR false presidential candidate. In reality, they promote another guy who is part of the Big Government establishment and will never change politics in Washington or NEVER rock the boat. Look at their past record of wins and losses. Bob Dole. John McCain. Both were Loosers. George Bush - winner and Big Spender Progressive! And now they're pushing Romney - the "Biggest Looser" of them all. He won't gather much support from Independents because he's too much LIKE OBAMA! So Obama will get re-elected!

Action To Take
Of the remaining candidates, only Ron Paul has fought for true Conservative values for the past 30 years. Stop being fooled and brainwashed by both the media and the GOP and start looking at the candidates message. Ron Paul has promoted Libertarian views which also promotes protecting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He's the only one that does!

Look at his web site and/or read his book "Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues...".

Stop being herded to thinking that Romney is the best choice! This is too critical of an election to make the WRONG CHOICE!

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