Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who Do You Trust?

Do you trust the main stream media (MSM)? Do you believe that they report facts without any bias or opinion? Do you believe that they cut sound bites in context accurately?

The REAL News
The people who report the "news" are not unbiased in their daily reporting. No news outlet is unbiased. NONE! Most are controlled and run by organizations and people who have a hidden agenda. Their agenda is to "influence" you into seeing things their way. The MSM only reports what they want you to see and hear. That's called "Propaganda" and they're good at delivering it.

Perfect Example
Last night's debates are a perfect example. The main emphasis was not on the serious issues facing the country. No, if they were, then the moderators would hear a lot of comments by the candidates about Obama's failures and misgivings over the past three years. Since the MSM wants to re-elect Obama, they had to direct the conversation away from Obama's weakness and direct it towards more Progressive topics.

So instead, the ABC moderators (Dianne Sawyer and George Stephanopoulis) pushed the discussions away from the serious issues and directed them towards such unimportant topics like gay marriages, contraception, and serving in the military! Really? Social issues remove the focus from Obama and wasted viewer's time for over 30 minutes.

Meanwhile America is crumbling, unemployment is still high, and there was little emphasis the candidate's solutions to these problems - if elected.

The MSM (ABC in this case George Stephanapoulis) is guilty of trying to make the Republicans appear as extreme and de-emphasizing the seriousness of the American economy. This "debate" was a waste of time and proved to viewers that the MSM is NOT worth watching and should not be taken seriously. Last night's viewers should let their respective feelings be known to the networks and their sponsors.

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