Thursday, June 18, 2015

Back-Stabbing Congress

"Republicans" (alias Stealth DEMOCRATS) are trying to bring-back Obama's trade deal that hurts American workers, gives Obama unilateral powers, & gives-up American sovereignty. The word "Republicans" is in quotes because they are behaving like Democrats lying about their beliefs. Why on earth would ANY Conservative vote to give-up US sovereignty? The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) turns power over to globalists to issue regulations about US trade, immigration, the environment, labor and commerce. It also gives Obama unilateral powers to bypass Congress altogether. That's why he wants to keep the details secret.

No wonder Obama likes that legislation. It weakens American sovereignty. It diminishes American control to a bunch of foreign dictators. Now that's just WRONG in every measure.

The question to ask is why are the GOP leaders supporting such a thing? Mitch McConnell (KY), Paul Ryan (WI), and John Boehner (OH), are big supporters of this idea. Why are they violating their oath of office to support the Constitution and to destroy the Bill of Rights? Because they owe their souls to lobbyists and people who give them money for re-election - NOT YOU!

Anyone who votes in support of the TPP deal is a TRAITOR. That's right, they're TRAITORS. They are selling-out American values by giving control to foreign leaders. You'll never see that explanation in the main stream media. They call themselves "Conservatives" but they have sold-out you and Conservatism for greed, power, and other BS ideologies.

They lie to get elected and then do as they please. This is no longer a Republic but has become a self-serving Secular Progressive State.

God help us.

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