Is it really just a coincidence that President Obama is loaning $2 BILLION dollars to Petrobras (a Brazilian oil company owned - in large part by George Soros). Yes, that's $2,000,000,000 dollars that we don't have. We'll actually have to borrow it in order to loan it to Petrobras.
Does that make any sense to you? Why would you loan money for something you won't permit in your own country? OH, because your buddy George Soros told you to do it!
Petrobras is going to use it for offshore drilling for oil deeper than our wells in the Gulf of Mexico. So why did Obama ban all offhore drilling here in the United States if he is supporting that effort for his friend Soros in Brazil? Apparently he is NOT the enviornmentalist that he claims to be. Furthermore, his administration lied about the reasons for banning drilling and that's one of the main reasons the court overruled Obama yesterday. The ban was lifted as a result of the Obama lies. Obama's team will appeal ASAP because why?
Won't our oil drilling ban create a shortage of US oil?
Answer: Yes!
Won't the Obama ban create mass unemployment in the US oil industry?
Answer: Yes.
Won't the Obama ban cause the price of US gasoline to skyrocket?
Answer: Yes.
Once the oil rigs leave our waters, they will never be back. They cost $10,000,000 to move and they will stay in Brazil until they pump out all the oil that they find.
Why is Obama doing this to America? Why? His efforts will make George Soros even more rich and more powerful.
What's the connection? Soros contribited heavily to Obama's election. Soros created and provides annual funding the Center For America Progress (CAP). CAP told Obama to have BP create the $20 Billion dollar slush fund. It wasn't Obama's idea. Obama is NOT a leader - He's a puppet.
This is too big and too connected to be a coincidence! Obama wants to transform America into God knows what. His failing economic policies are creating unsustainable debt. He wants more government control over our private sector. He has already taken control over the automobile industry, the banking industry, Wall Street, Education and student loans, Home mortgages, and healthcare. His next initiative is to control our energy usage!
Action To TakeIf you love your country, there is a Restoring Honor rally scheduled on August 28, 2010 at the foot of the Lincoln Monument in Washington, DC. Be there and give your support to halting the
BASTARDIZATION of America and abolishment of your liberties!