Monday, January 25, 2010

History Was Made

A year ago Obama was being reveled as the "savior." He was posting his image against the background of Mount Rushmore and there was mention that he was the New Lincoln. People believed his campaign rhetoric and promises for transparency and real change in government. They dismissed the fact that he had no leadership experience whatsoever. They also dismissed the fact that he had a long association with radicals, anti-American ministers, and Marxists. Today, the thrill is gone along with the enthusiasm and trust Americans placed in him. Today, Americans feel disappointed, scared, betrayed, or angry. They see America being driven away from its original roots into a direction that looks somewhat like France instead.

In one year we have witnessed a blazing star. Just like a meterorite. Bright and glowing in the beginning, but quickly burned out and smoldering in the end. This is an historical moment. We have witnessed a president determine his fate in one year in office. This has to be a record. It IS the turning point for Obama. It IS the decline of his Presidency.

Ironically, Progressives are STILL blaming George Bush for Obama's blunders. Progressives always have a problem confronting truth. This is amazing and truly amusing as well. They even deny their roots with Communism. (Read Liberal Fascism). Progressives blame Obama's fall from grace as a matter of his "style." They totally ignore or are blinded that it isn't about style, but rather it's about substance. Obama is too far to the LEFT for Americans. Simple! He's a radical. He associated with radicals and extremists all his life. Americans wanted change, but NOT the kind Obama has been dealing out. To be sure, the unknown candidate was open when he said that he wanted to "fundamentally change America." However, Americans didn't understand what he REALLY meant.

It was ObamaCare that was his undoing. At first, people went along because of his initial popularity. Unfortunately the more he spoke about it, the less people understood. Paradoxical for a great speaker. He never was able to explain it in simple terms to win people over. He is a bad salesman. He never explained his message because it kept changing.

Ironically, the more people learned from behind closed doors, the less they liked. This had the same pull on Obama as gravity. His popularity has dropped ever since he took office. He has actually sank in popularity the first year in office faster than ANY other President. The vote from Massachusetts is a clear message that he has gone too far. This is the beginning of the end for Obama. He WILL be a one term president-just like Jimmy Carter.