Thursday, January 7, 2010

How Radicals Fight

The formal Progressive Party was founded by the Communists in 1948 to oppose Harry Truman's bid for election because he opposed Joseph Stalin. The Communists NEVER referred to themselves as Communists, they were (and are still called) "progressives." The progressive movement has existed for over 100 years. The Progressive Party was led by FDR's Vice President, Henry Wallace. We now have a strong Progressive Caucus in Congress which has helped radicals reach new levels of power in government.

Radicals never refer to themselves as "radicals," "Marxists," or "Communists." Instead they call themselves, "liberals," "new leftists," "social justice advocates," or "progressives." However, they remain what they are - radicals who want to "overthrow" government for their concept of Utopia.

Today, radicals use both strategies outlined in yesterday's blog (Cloward & Piven and Saul Alinsky's methodology). They deceive others and call themselves "progressives" so as not to upset or awaken Americans that they are being manipulated. Socialists will try and impersonate liberals. Liberals pass themselves off as as progressives, and so on... It's all smoke and mirrors. It's all lies and make believe. It's also not a new tactic. The Communists used deception during the 1930's to pretend to be liberals.

Radicals also use lying as a tool to disarm opponents by pretending to be moderate or liberal. Example 1: Includes Al Sharpton, Bill Ayers, and Jeremiah Wright. They all pose as something other than what they really are. Sharpton and Wright profess to be civil rights activists. Ayers poses as a patriotic progressive. Their underlying agenda is quite different than what they actually expose. Example 2: Obama ran as a moderate Democrat. His actions and policies show that he too is a radical.

Why do radicals (progressives) believe that America is bad and want to destroy it? Because radicals are not comparing America to other REAL societies. Instead, they are comparing America to the "Utopia" that they think they are creating and building. Anything compared to their idea is BAD and that's why they hate America. But they DO hate America and want to change it. Don't loose sight it that.

Radicals speak about "social justice," "democracy," and "equality." These things can never satisfy the radical's fantasies. They literally want to destroy the wealth, prosperity, and goodness because it trumps their dream of a heaven on earth. They always want the government to create new entitlements for more government control over individuals. They believe Karl Marx when he said "Everything that exists deserves to perish." Thus, they are willing to destroy the institutions, structures, and values that sustain the society we live in. They also dislike religion because it changes the focus away from their goals and agendas. Hence, many are atheists. They believe in the State, not God.

Radicals never pay attention to the consequences of their actions.
Example 1: The philosophy of the "Great Society" destroyed inner city black families and has created countless fatherless children and created poverty of untold measure. It also has created a violent underclass which is a serious threat today. It also created new entitlement programs that have been total failures. Radicals totally ignore this and take no responsibility for it. In fact, they really don't even care about it.

Example 2: The Environmentalist movement in the 1960's - 1970's lead to the banning of DDT which in-turn has caused world-wide outbreaks of malaria just as it was being eradicated. These results have never been looked at as results of this ban. They never considered the long-term consequences of their actions.

Radicals also rely heavily on the "art of miscommunication" to fool and deceive their opponents. Don't sell Socialism as "Socialism". Instead call it something else that is less recognizable, like "progressivism," or "social justice," or "economic democracy." People will listen to these names and not be turned-off. Never turn-off the opposition by directly confronting it. (Never use the word "fascism" because it turns-off too many people because the word is misunderstood and confused by many). Join the opposition and undermine it from within slowly over time. Infiltrate as a passive revolutionary using a non-challenging approach so you can sell your ideas of "A Change We Can Believe in" and "Yes We Can" along with the "Audacity of Hope."

Radicals have learned that in order to advance their goals of more power, they needed to camouflage them. So they changed from being openly violent to become part of the system and work with it from within to destroy it. Angela Davis, Bill Ayers, and Bernadine Dohrn (to name just a few), left their violent activities of the 60's to go underground into the US college systems as professors. No wonder our youths are so "progressive" in their thinking. They are being brainwashed in college by "old" radical professors. This secret strategy is called "boring from within."

Here is law Professor Obama teaching Alinsky's method:

Revolutionary change cannot be done like our Founding Fathers devised. Present radicals must conduct their agenda through deception. It's OK to be unethical. The means justify the ends. Don't let your opponents know you are at war with them. Thus, you can gain compromises and commitments to "peaceful" conflict resolutions. Just keep on passively attacking - little by little, making progress - never wavering. Keep attacking bit by bit. Do it in increments, but do it. This explains what this country has been facing for the past 100 years. Progressives (radicals) have been at work for at least that long.

Name calling is a definite strategy. It serves as a means to literally destroy opposition by stigmatizing them. Demonizing and discrediting individuals by isolating and attacking them was proposed by Alinsky. That's why we have seen Tea Party goers called "Truthers," "Birthers," "Tea Bag Terrorists," "Teabaggers," "Extremists," "Racists," un-American," Astro Turf," "Tea Party "Activists," "Oath Keepers," "Nazis," "Evil Mongers," "Right-wing Militias," and "Aryan groups" just to name a few. Name calling does not rely on the truth. It ignores facts and logic to discredit. Radicals are not playing, because they are at war with you.

Action To Take
Understand that YOU need to become part of the solution. You cannot remain passive any longer. YOU need to become politically active. YOU need to join the 912 Project or a local Tea Party. We are 10 months away from the mid-term elections. Do something to help make the Take-Back-America movement successful.

We need to get our country back. America is being changed while we sit and watch. We need to get those who are in office, out of office. All of them. There is so much corruption, deceit, and dishonesty, that you cannot trust the current elected officials. They are promoting their own agenda - NOT YOURS! We need to mobilize the grass root Tea Parties to help bring-down the system of corruption and deception in Washington. We need to replace the people who serve the special interests with those who serve their constituents instead.