Friday, February 26, 2010

Elitist's View on Americans

While at Harvard recently Progressive Valerie Jarrett was asked if the White House could produce a brochure to explain ObamaCare to the Tea Party members who are apparently too stupid to understand it. Valerie said that would be a good idea. You remember Valerie, she's Obama's close supporter who vetted self-proclaimed Communist Van Jones and recommend him to be an advisor to the President. While referring to Obama she stated "There's nobody more self-critical than President Obama. Part of the burden of being so bright is that he sees his errors immediately."

Is that a fact? If he's so bright, then why hasn't President Einstein figured out that Americans do not want the government to socialize their healthcare? Instead, he is going to force HIS version of government control over us any way he can – with or without Republican support. He does so at the expense of American national security. He's doing NOTHING to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons because ObamaCare is his number one priority.

The GOP has been criticized as the Party of "No." The Democrats should be referred to as the party of "Hell NO." They will strive to pass healthcare whether you like it or not! Get over it! They will in November!

Another Progressive elitist, Bill Maher is on the record for saying this about Americans: "What the Democrats never understand is that Americans don't really care what position you take, just stick with one. Just be strong. They're not bright enough to really understand the issues."

Maher's wrong! We get it alright. We see the whole picture. There are no illusions. Progressive Elites are in power and they are trying to fundamentally change America into their vision of Utopia on earth. They don't care what YOU think. You're not smart enough to realize they just want more and more power over you.

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