Monday, March 1, 2010

Another Unemployment Extension

Congress is set to extend unemployment benefits once again sometime this week. It will probably pass, but here's the rub. How long should the government keep extending these benefits? We were told by Obama that the Stimulus IS working. If it's working so well, then why are we extending unemployment payments? And, are they really "benefits" or just more government entitlements or handouts?

So how long should we keep extending the unemployment payments for those who can't find work? Should the government have a limit or is it OK for Congress to keep extending? The people can't help it that their jobs have gone to foreign countries. It's not their fault - is it? Why not help them? OK, for how long? Six more months? One more year? Two? Five? Seriously, what is a reasonable limit to set on these giveaways? Isn't this just paying people NOT to work?

Have you ever collected unemployment? How hard did you look for work when you received "free" money each week? Seriously, did you ever lie about where you looked? Did you look each week? Honest?

Are unemployment payments "benefits" that everyone is entitled to receive? Who decided who gets paid and who doesn't? Shouldn't everyone be able to receive these entitlements? Who doesn't deserve them?

Well, if you don't give out these benefits, people will loose their homes or be evicted you say. Maybe so, but does the government really have the POWER to grant these benefits? Is this REALLY Constitutional? Do you care?

Is the government in the business of giving money away? It seems so. Ask yourself where does the government get its money? They don't make money, they take it from YOU and businesses in the form of taxes. Government spends money, that's what their perceived business is. Government NEVER earns money. But they CAN print it!

What would happen to people if we stopped giving them unemployment? Where would they go? How would they eat? What would they do?

Don't we already know these answers? They would move in with other family members. They would eat in soup lines. Some would take jobs at McDonalds and earn enough to pay rent after loosing their homes. It wouldn't be fun and it wouldn't be nice. But people would survive. Should we let this happen?

If the US Dollar crashes or gets seriously devalued, it WILL happen. It will happen to all Americans. We need to come together – not try and subsidize lost causes.