Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Give Me Generation

Let's face it, we have created an entitlement society. We let it happen right before our eyes. It took a long time, but it's here and now we have to deal with it. Young people believe that the government should provide them with many free things, including a college education and government controlled healthcare. We have recently seen demonstrations by college kids complaining that their education is not subsidized enough. They resent tuition hikes and protested it vehemently. Let's just say to those who feel this way; welcome to the REAL world.

It should be noted that the bulk of Americans, roughly 75%, do not have the benefit of a college education. That's right, the majority of Americans have no college degree. Some of these individuals have entitlements. Americans currently receiving government entitlements do NOT want to give them up. This is especially true of Social Security benefits. However, most Americans do agree that they do not want more government entitlements dolled-out. They don't want to add entitlements to make America more like a Democratic Socialist Society like France, or Great Brittan.

They feel that way because they know that taxes would rise under a Socialist system and personal achievement is thwarted under a system like that. The American dream would be destroyed by a lack of money and drastic change in the standard of living. Americans don't want to live like third world countries. We like our living standards and never want to give them up.

Apparently young people do not know the difference between a "right" and a "privilege." A right is not something that someone gives you (like the government or Congress). It is something that nobody can take away because it is due a person by nature. You have a right to be free. Governments cannot grant you this. A privilege is nothing more than a benefit. It's a special advantage. A driver's license is a privilege. The government can give it AND take it away. It is not for everyone. College education is a privilege not a right.

The younger generation support more entitlements but they haven't had to pay for them – ever. They like the idea of the "nanny state." However, as this generation grows older they are going to have families, children and have to pay taxes. Guaranteed, they won't like the high taxes needed to pay for all these entitlements. As the young get more and more responsibilities, political attitudes change as they grow older. Youth wants to be like the Socialist Europeans.

Ironically, our founders left that kind of system to come to the colonies and start a whole new system of government - a federal republic. They broke away from the extreme government controls over their lives. The Founders went in a completely different direction altogether. The spirit of not wanting to be controlled is what made America great.

Once you get accustom to the big government entitlements like they have in Europe, they never get undone!