How Far Are They Willing to Go?
The Internet is a flurry with left-wing agitators who have devised an evil plan to demonise the Tea Party Movement. How? They plan on "Infiltrating and Sabotaging" Tea Party Protests on April 15, 2010. Remember, Saul Alinsky's rule for Radicals? "The ends justify the means." Do whatever it takes to win. Crash the Tea Parties. Make them look like the REAL enemy.
Their Strategy
Make the Tea Party goers look like anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, conspiracy types, and homophobes. How?
1. Organize counter-protests against the Tea Party demonstrations at the same time and place. Force confrontations and make them look bad. Provoke them into violence. Get it on video to share with the main stream media.
2. Plant anti-Tea Party radicals inside. At first blend-in, be polite, and smile to be "one of them." At the appropriate time, bear Inflamatory signs and move to disrupt, cause chaos and provoke fights. Video tape what happens to them. Share it with the Main stream media.
There's more, but you should get the idea. If you can't fight them, then join them. Destroy them from the inside. That's what they're doing in Washington. It works!
Counter Strategy
OK, so how do you stop this attack?
1. Don't be "goated" by any verbal attacks you face. Remain peaceful and avoid shouting matches. Walk away from these confrontations.
2. Pay attention to those who stand out. Video tape them. Point these people out to the local police and say they are NOT part of YOUR group. Exclude them peacefully. Remember, they want to make YOU look bad. Turn it around, and give them a taste of their own medicine.
3. Look for union presence. Purple SEIU tee shirts. Video tape them. See how they react. Cameras are their enemies.
In general. REMAIN PEACEFUL! Catch them at their game and use their strategy against them! It works. Send you videos to FOX News.