Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Political Speech is Dangerous"

Former President Clinton was stating HIS opinion on TV recently regarding the Tea Parties and their rehetoric. He claims that their political speech is dangerous and will probably incite some violent act similar to the Oklahoma bombing during his administration.

How Dare You
The President is entitled to his opinion, but so are WE! Since when does a former President tell Americans that their political speech is "Dangerous?" He wants the Tea Party to be silent for fear they will cause violence from their speech. He claims that the Tea Party is creating the next Timothy Mcveigh. How can he make this conclusion?

Apparently President Clinton hasn't read the 1st Amendment lately – or not at all. It states the right of the people to peacefully assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. That's EXACTLY what the Tea Party does. There is no violence nor do they promote it.

Speech Causes Violence
Progressives ignore the truth or try to change it. Another of Saul Alinsky's tactics. This is yet another example of the Progressives attempt to silence opposing political views. If it isn't agreeable, it's "dangerous" or "racist." Now according to Clinton words about government's recklessness are MORE dangerous than the government acting recklessly! Not too logical? Clinton is stating that speech caused the Tim Mcveigh bombing – not the actions of HIS government at the Ruby Ridge massacre and in Waco, Texas at the Branch Davidian complex. Recall, that Clinton ordered tanks to break into private property in Waco, TX killing men, women, and children. These tanks weren't words – but government actions that provoked the Mcveigh bombing. Clinton forgot to mention these government actions that HE ordered.

About Violence
Martin Luther King summed it up like this:

"Those of us who engage in non-violent direct action, are not responsible for the tension. We're merely bringing to the surface, a tension that already exists!"

Civil disobedience is the core of American defiance against kings, emperors, and out-of-control government.

Tea Party Movement
The Tea Party gathers and protests because they see themselves in the original position as the Boston Tea Party. They want a constitutional government that follows the rule of law. The Tea Party wants to go back in the direction of limited government restrained by the Constitution – just the opposite of the current administration.

The Tea Party stands for Constitutional principles. NOT VIOLENCE! The movement is about adhering to the Constitution and limited government. Our government is out-of-control. Its corruption is absolutely vulgar. Americans are sick of it and hence, show it by their demonstrations. Get over it. We are NOT going away any time soon.