Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Story of Stuff

Ironic that the movie "The Story of Stuff" is played most elementary, high schools and colleges around the country and yet few, (if any), parents know what it is all about. Chances are that YOUR kids have seen this movie.

What's Wrong with It?
The Story of Stuff teaches that America is evil and that the government is here to save us all. It describes Capitalism and big business as the enemy of Americans. Capitalism is bad and we should save the environment immediately because of Global Warming (a false science).

YOUR students are being indoctrinated by whoever shows them these films and videos. Are you OK with that? Did they consult you before they showed your kids this information? Should they have?

This information is historically inaccurate and misleading at the very least. Is it all right that YOUR kids are being brainwashed?

NYU students are required to watch this in their so called MAP (Morse Academic Plan) courses. They also include training on the false science of Global Warming and Climate Change. Studies are part of the Nature and Environment propaganda being delivered to innocent students who believe they are watching the TRUTH – not fiction.

Action to Take
Ask your students if they have seen The Story of Stuff. If so, pay a visit to the school and discuss it with those responsible Let them know you do NOT approve of this and would like to be informed whenever they want to "train" your students with more propaganda.