Thursday, April 8, 2010

We Need a VAT Tax?

Why is it that the Obama regime is busily floating a trial balloon to raise our taxes here in America with a Value Added Tax (VAT) or as it's otherwise known as a National Sales Tax? If that balloon flies without any opposition, Obama will JAM THAT NEW TAX DOWN OUR THROATS to help pay for his record spending fiascos.

We Don't Need New Taxes
Are you aware that 47% of Americans do NOT pay ANY Federal taxes at all? That's right – 47% pay NO Taxes. Why is this? Either their incomes were too low, or they qualified for enough credits, deductions and exemptions to eliminate their liability. That's according to projections by the Tax Policy Center, a Washington research organization. A family of four making as much as $50,000 will owe no federal income tax for 2009, as long as there are two children younger than 17. This results in a tax system that exempts almost half the country from paying for programs that benefit everyone, including national defense, public safety, infrastructure and education.

So the remaining 53% of American are footing the bills for Obama's spending spree! Gee, that sounds like re-distribution of wealth doesn't it? Earning $51,000 or more? You are taxed! You're not earning the $250,000 that Obama was talking about. Why can't everyone pay their fair share of taxes? Share the wealth! Spread the responsibility among ALL Americans. Wouldn't that be Social Justice instead of punishing 53% of the country? Or how about a FLAT TAX that everyone pays – say, 12% maximum. Word the law so that it can NEVER be raised. Everyone pays, no deductions, no write-offs, no BS!

What Do We Really Need?
We need to cut spending – not raise more taxes. Cut spending where? Wherever a government program has failed and continues to fail. Consider AMTRAK. That boondoggle has been draining money ever since the government took over. Dump it. Get rid of the Post Office too. Same reason. UPS and FedEx will do it just fine – maybe ever faster. Also consider cutting spending on government departments that are unreasonably growing and regulating small businesses and the general population. Example: The EPA. They want to regulate carbon dioxide. Fine. Stop funding the EPA and shut them down! No more regulations against carbon dioxide (used by plants and NOT poison like they say it is).

The Obvious Cuts
Nationalized government healthcare should be unfunded. That will save us at least $1 Trillion dollars. Do NOT fund ObamaCare because we cannot afford it. Are you aware that in the last year Congress raised their respective salaries? Why not cut Congressional salaries down to say a maximum of $75,000? We could save billions right there. While we're at it, we should CUT or eliminate all Congressional lifetime pensions. Right now they serve one term and then can draw full salary $175,000 for life. That's just not right.

Action To Take
Is the current system fair? Elect a candidate in the mid-term elections that will adhere to these cuts. Accept no one who will not. Tell your friends and neighbors that this should be their goal as well.