Monday, May 31, 2010

Crime or No Crime

Despite the fact that Obama promised to be transparent and change the way Washington operates, he's up to the same-old dirty Chicago-style politics as usual.

In the case of the Sestak scandal (alias "ObamaGate"), Obama has vouched to the American public "I can assure the public that nothing improper took place." Of course, that remains to be seen. If President Obama has nothing to hide, then he should not stop an in dependant investigation into Sestak's allogations of bribery from the White House. He could be trying to avoid impeachment. To date, he has stonewalled this possibility.

If you examine what transpired, it is apparent that there was more backroom bargaining, favor trading, stonewalling, and political maneuvering. Aren't these the things that Obama promised would NOT happen under his watch? While running for election, Obama held himself to a higher standard. He spoke of an open and transparent administration. He was the outsider who could change Washington. Now he's failed to deliver.

Instead, The White House has been reluctant to say ANYTHING about this matter since it became public knowledge in February. Instead, Press Secretary Gibbs has been avoiding answering ANY questions about it until just recently when the White House realized that it wasn't going away.

The explanations given now raise more questions. Why use ex-President Clinton to offer a non-paying low post position to a Congressman if he would drop out of the Pennsylvania primary? That's like killing an ant with a sledge hammer. Did President Obama know about this? If so, when did he know about it? What exactly was Obama's involvement? Was Sestak lying when he claimed that he was offered a high-ranking position in the administration for dropping-out of the PA primary?

Americans demand to know what happened. Did our President commit a crime? Did his staff? We need to find out.

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