Saturday, May 8, 2010

Insideous Cancer-Like Infection

The word "Progressive" refers to a movement that was first initiated as such in the early 1900s. Teddy Roosevelt and his successor Woodrow Wilson were both Progressives although they were in different political parties! (Wilson was a REAL EVIL President. He passed the Sedition Act and imprisoned anyone who spoke out against the WAR that he promoted!) If you disagreed with him, he silenced your speech! Sound familiar? Listen to Obama's rhetoric to silence the Tea Party movement.

Progressives came into vogue during the 1920s. They believed that Mussolini was a GREAT leader and wanted to capture his methods and bring them to America. The term "totalitarianism" was coined by Mussolini in the 1920s. Many American PHDs and elites during this period idolized Fascism as a means to obtaining their utopian objectives of a collective state. There were many books written during this time in America that supported Fascism, the re-distribution of wealth, and genocide. The LEFT denies this but it is a FACT and can easily be verified! The Left also vehemently denies that their political philosophy is closely aligned with Marxism and this is proven and well documented in the book "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg. However in 1939, Hitler spoiled it for Progressives for a while. Progressives went underground during World War II. However, they re-emerged in the 1950s by infiltrating both political parties. (More successfully in the Democratic Party).

The trigger-happy radicals of the 1960's realized that their "revolution" was NOT succeeding. They openly wanted to overthrow the government. Their bombings and murders weren't meeting their objectives. They couldn't sway Americans to join them via violence. Like the infamous John Brown who tried to free the slaves at Harpers Ferry in 1859, the majority of people did NOT join the radical revolution because the bombings scared them away. Hence, the 60s radicals changed names, changed their strategies, went underground and infiltrated the Democratic Party. Now they called themselves "Democrats" not "Progressives" because Progressive was a dirty word associated with Hitler, Mussolini, and extreme violence.

These underground radicals discovered and trained under Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals author) and began to utilize his methods of taking over the government. They also applied Alinsky's Marxist methods to began community organizing and founding organizations like ACORN to help "fix" and alter voting results. (If you can't fight them, join them). It is being investigated that ACORN recently helped win the Senatorial recount in Minnesota by adding fraudulent ballots to the count.

Other radicals joined colleges and universities as teaching staff where they could enjoy freedom of speech and brainwash college students with their radical propaganda. Presently Progressives have a strong foothold in academia and have also infiltrated the Department of Education, National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Education Association. We see them all in full play today in the Obama administration. Obama is a student of Saul Alinsky. He started out as a college professor. There is a popular photograph of Obama as a professor teaching Alinsky's Marxist methods on a chalk board. He claimed to be a "constitutional law professor", but that was never verified as fact. Obama is a Progressive/Marxist! People confuse Socialism with Progressivism. Close, but NOT the same. The Nazis were officially called the "National Socialist Party."

Progressivism is a form of a "diluted" Marxism. Progressives want to change the Constitution gradually a piece at a time so there will be little opposition. They nibble away at our liberties making government bigger with regulations and more departments. Some people have called them "incrementalists". They grab power although it may be unconstitutional. The more they get, the more they want. The ends justify the means. They will do and say anything to get what they want. They have no honor or integrity. Hence, Washington politicians go along with the program. Power corrupts.

Progressives believe that the common man cannot manage himself and needs to be guided by an elite corps. They believe that they know what's good for all. They speak of "Social Justice" or "Environmental Justice." They are destroying freedom slowly - over time. However, they don't see it that way. They actiually believe they know what's right in spite of the fact that history proves otherwise.

Marxism wants revolution in a more violent way. Marxists want to overthrow the government and kill the opposition, as required. Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are two good examples.

Consider Progressivism as Marxism "lite." No violence, but the net effect is the same - TOTAL government control over your life - regulating everything - including what you can eat, consume, buy, own, and sell. Totalitarianism! Government take over of everything. Sound familiar?

Progressives over time have changed our beliefs towards the Founding Fathers. In the 1970s they wrote several books that discredited the Founding Fathers and claimed that they raped the slaves etc. They also try and pervert American History. Currently, they want to stop teaching American History prior to 1800. This avoids discussing the Founders completely!

Progressives are also responsible for Political Correctness. It helps break-down American traditions and American values as they once were for their newer definitions or deletions!

No matter how you cut it, Progressives are EVIL! They really are trying to "Fundamentally Change America." They think that they can make it into their "Utopia" - whatever that is!

This explains the power grabs that you have seen by the government on banks, car companies, insurance companies, healthcare, Wall Street, home mortgages, and credit companies. It also explains why they want to keep grabbing control via regulations like Cap & Trade. This really is a CANCER that is attacking the very basic fiber of America.

Wake up America before it is too late...

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