Thursday, July 15, 2010

Your Stimulus at Work

Have you noticed new road signs popping up touting "The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act - Putting America Back to Work - Barack Obama President?" Those are YOUR taxpayer dollars being used to show you that Obama's Stimulus is working for you! Some signs indicate that these "jobs" are because of Barack Obama. Wow, it's good to see he's taking full credit!

Vermont and Florida have opted for no signs. They believe that the money is better spent creating jobs, not signs. They view them as pure propaganda.

So what's the big deal anyway? The signs can't cost that much - right? WRONG! Are you aware that the cost for a Stimulus road sign varies between $680 - 2000 per sign? A sign at Washington Dulles Airport is reported to have cost $10,000. It created 17 temporary jobs! Is this money well spent?

To date, the amount spent on signs is over $20 MILLION dollars! The Senate tried to stop wasting YOUR money by restricting and eliminating the use of these signs. But, you guessed it, the DEMs voted to keep making them and wasting YOUR money! They figure it's free political advertising for them!!

Ask yourself this question: Does it make any sense to spend tens of millions of dollars of BORROWED taxpayer money on a bunch of signs telling you how the government is spending YOUR money? Aren't these signs just another waste of government spending?

Action To Take
Register to vote. In November, vote these morons out-of-office. Let them know what unemployment feels like.

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