Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Can't Win It, Steal It

Early Voting Shows Disturbing Trend
As Tweeted earlier this week, early voting using electronic machines is becoming quite problematic in several places.

Suspicious voting machine "malfunctions" and cheating candidates of their votes seems to the the up-and-coming trend here in America. This has happened before in previous elections. We seem to have forgotten them. However, now there seems to be more of them.

Take for example, the previous Senatorial election in Minnesota where the incumbent Republican was defeated after an election recall that took several months to play out in the courts. Unfortunately, it was verified and reported that numerous dead people had voted for Al Frankin, along with hundreds of ballots that were found in the trunk of someone's car. To make matters worse, several precincts reported that there were more votes tallied and officially recognized than there were registered voters in those precincts. In spite of these irregularities, Al Frankin won the election by just over 300 votes.

Is this happening now?

Irregularities Are Reality
It's not even election day and here are a some of the reported problems beginning to crop up:
  • A North Carolina voter used a touch screen machine to select a straight ticket to vote Republican and the machine returned a ballot with all Democrats!
  • Military ballots will NOT be counted in Illinois.
  • Fraud complaints reported from early voting in Pennsylvania.
  • Vote-by-Mail system in IL may disenfranchise "hundreds of thousands of voters."
  • In Nevada, Democratic Harry Reid's name was ALREADY checked on the machine's ballot! The county registrar's explanation was that the machines are "sensitive."

Evidence of Corruption
Corruption is evident in the USA prior to the elections. The election is a week away and these things are already happening. What can we expect on election day? Here are some corruption highlights:
  • Teacher's unions in Las Vegas are offering Starbucks gift cards for Democratic votes!
  • Harry Reid (D, NV) broke the law by offering "free food" at "voter turnout events." This is a blatant attempt to "influence" voters by bribing them. THAT'S UNLAWFUL!
  • Alex Sink (D, FL) was caught cheating during a debate on TV by viewing a text message from an aid during a commercial break.
  • Pennsylvania Democratic House candidate Brian Lentz admitted to helping a third party candidate to get on the ballot to help siphon votes away from GOP nominee Pat Meehan.

Power Corrupts
Once elected, it's hard to give-up the power and perks that come with the office. Unfortunately, more and more of those in power compromise campaign and election laws and rules. This isn't the America we knew and loved. It is becoming more like Amerika!

Action To Take
Do NOT tolerate any machines that "malfunction." Report these problems to the local authorities and to FOX NEWS if you want to ever see it reported.

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