Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why The DREAM Act Is Bad

Thank Harry Reid
Newly re-elected Senator Harry Reid (D, NV) is trying once again to try and get ILLEGAL ALIENS to have full AMNESTY! This time he calls his bill the "DREAM ACT." This bill gives amnesty to ILLEGALS aged 16 to 35 if they meet one of two conditions.

1. They are eligible to become a US citizen (FULL AMNESTY) if they complete two years of college (that WE will probably pay for in total). The bill doesn't say how a 16 year old can complete two years of college because they haven't completed high school yet - but that's beside the point.


2. They can become US citizens if they complete two years in the United States military service. They don't indicate how an ILLEGAL can join the military without using stolen Social Security numbers or falsified identification. In other words, they have to break the law AGAIN in order to pass this qualification!

Why Bother With These "Restrictions" At All?
Aren't these two conditions just a free ticket that invites more law breaking? Harry Reid is an IDIOT! He thinks we are too stupid to see that this bill is pure and simple a gift of AMNESTY.

Impact on Us
Reid's legislation takes NOTHING into account as to what impact this would have on the American economy and small businesses. It's no wonder because it would be devastating. The DREAM Act adds another 2 MILLION to our population.

What about the 17% of unemployed American workers who cannot find jobs? Forget them. That's only 22 Million Americans who can't find work. So why would adding more out-of-work ILLEGALS be hurting these numbers? They won't explain that!

The Children Are the Victims
Frankly we're getting tired of this BS argument. Supporters of the DREAM Act say that we are "punishing the children" of ILLEGALS and it's not their fault that their parents put them there. They forget to mention that after the "children" become US citizens they can apply for their parents to join them as well! This law IGNORES the fact that it will encourage MORE ILLEGALS to enter the country for the same amnesty!

Still NOT Convinced?
You need to watch a five minute video that explains why the DREAM Act will have no effect whatsoever on the problem of world hunger or overpopulation. Here's the link.

Action To Take
Tell your representatives to vote "NO" on the DREAM Act. It's no solution to the problem - it only makes it worse!

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