Friday, December 10, 2010

Federal Reserve Bank - Who Are They?

Non-Political My Ass
The Federal Reserve Bank is a super-secret organization that is supposed to be non-political. Oh Really? We don't even know who they are. Then why has it given your tax dollars to foreign banks, foreign companies and foreign governments to bail them out? These bailouts have nothing to do with our financial crisis and should not be part of the Stimulus dollars they have given away to foreign entities!

Monitary Policies Are a Secret
Why are our monetary policies kept a secret and insolated from national debate? How come American taxpayers are not involved in ANY discussions on how the Federal Reserve Bank spends OUR money? We have no voice whatsoever. Why? We have a right to know how OUR money is spent!

The Constitution Says...
The Constitution says that ONLY Congress shall coin money and set the value thereof. It does NOT give a private bank these powers for good reasons! Thank Progressives in 1913 for changing that and giving away these powers to private individuals - in a clear VIOLATION of the Constitution!

Ben Bernanke's Record
Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve Chairman) has a poor record. So far every thing he has done is a failure (unless he wants the dollar to fail). His policies of monitizing the debt are destroying our currency. This shows that the Fed has too much power and is accountable to no one! Bernanke is accountable to no one. There are no consequences for HIS actions while we pay for it every day of our lives.

No Recourse
Currently we have no recourse with the Fed. This must change. They have too much power and we need to control it. We must TAKE BACK the powers that Congress gave away in 1913 under the Progressives.

Right now the Fed can bail out anyone they decide is too big to fail using YOUR tax dollars. This has got to stop. Because they print money our dollars loose value as does everything we own. All because of the Fed. They MUST STOP their "Quantitative Easing" which is a funny way of saying that they are flooding the market by printing money!

Action To Take
Support Congressman Ron Paul (R, TX) in his efforts to audit the Fed and to take back the Congressional powers we lost long ago. Make Bernanke accountable for every penny he is responsible for and hold his feet to the fire!

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