Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Attack on Free Speech Looming

Obama Wants Internet Kill Switch
Yes, you heard right. Obama and his cronies (Senator Joe Lieberman [D, CT] and Senator Susan Collins [R, Maine]) are going to try it again! They call it the "National Cyberemergency" bill. It gives Obama full power to shut-down the Internet when HE deems it necessary! That's OUTRAGEOUS!!

No Courts Involved
This proposed law does NOT require any court intervention in deciding how or when the President can take-over privately owned computer systems and shut-down the Internet. There are no checks or balances. Obama likes the idea a lot. It's kind of like the same thing that his pal Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela. Chavez now controls ALL forms of media including the Internet in Venezuela. Chavez is a DICTATOR!

See anything wrong here America? Obama wants this law that tramples all over the 1st Amendment. He wants to control the Internet in case of an emergency. This is the same guy who loves "emergencies" so he can jam HIS agenda down your throats and "fundamentally transform America."

Message From the Lawmakers
Lawmakers claim that private Internet companies "should not be alarmed by the legislation." WARNING AMERICA!

Lawmakers claim that "We're not trying to mandate any requirements for the entire Internet, or the entire Internet backbone..." No, they won't do that. The only time they would take control "...is to assert governmental control only over those crucial components that form our nation's critical infrastructure." In other words, all the systems that run the Internet servers.

Lieberman says: "For all of its 'user-friendly' allure, the Internet can also be a dangerous place with electronic pipelines that run directly into everything from our personal bank accounts to key infrastructure to government and industrial secrets."

If Lieberman is so worried about national security, then why hasn't he done ANYTHING to protect us from an EMP pulse bomb that would destroy anything that has a computer chip in it? (Read One Second After, by William Forstchen and see how devastating this threat is to all of us.)

When a politician tells you that they are protecting you or your freedoms WATCH OUT AMERICA! This isn't the first time that a politician wanted to nullify your First Amendment God-given rights!

Homeland Securities Role
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will maintain a list of systems or "assets that are critical infrastructure." These systems are the ones that are subjected to Obama's "emergency decrees." In other words, Obama says that there is a "Cybersecurity emergency" and then DHS shuts-down all privately held systems that run the Internet because "national information infrastructure is essential to operation of the system."

Action To Take
SCREAM LOUDLY at the top of your voice and tell Congress NOT to consider passing this THEFT of Natural Liberties! Any government that controls speech is a dictatorship!

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