Sunday, August 7, 2011

Obama's Downgrade

It's Not My Fault...
No matter how you look at it, this downgrade is Obama's downgrade. When he was elected America had a "AAA" credit rating. Obama inherited a "AAA" rating from Bush! Now where is it? He will NEVER admit this downgrade is his fault - NEVER! That's because this is the first time in America's history that we have had a downgrading of our credit rating. Also when Obama took office, unemployment was close to 8%. Since he's been in office unemployment has climbed over and stayed over 9%, but it's NOT HIS FAULT! No, he inherited a bad economy.

Watch For The Spin
"Obama's Downgrade" occurred last Friday afternoon. Since then he has been laying low at Camp David waiting for the Left-Wing media to begin to try and smooth the way for him. Be careful, they will tell us that the downgrade is not important, that it will have little affect over us and that we shouldn't worry about it, or that it isn't Obama's fault! Also pay attention to how the stock market react to the downgrade. This will be a truer way to judge its impact on you and America.

When Obama finally decides to speak about the downgrade, listen carefully to his words. He will do everything possible to hedge the reality that this is HIS DOING!

For the past 30 months now we have been following Obama's economic policies: The Stimulus, Cash for Clunkers, Wall Street bailouts, nationalized take-over of the automobile industry, ObamaCare, home mortgage bailouts, Fannie and Freddie bailouts, expanded government, and government regulations, and on and on and on... So where is the economy? How's the unemployment situation? They're not better - They are worse!!

Obama has a lot to show for HIS policies. They're all failures! Isn't it time Americans tell Obama that we are getting sick and tired of the same-old, same-old failures? Let him know how you feel America!

It's Not Over
More downgrades may be coming! The worst is not over. Things will get worse here in America.

Are you prepared? Seriously, are you prepared? Try and stock-up on your food supply. Seriously. We could be facing shortages. Think about a plan in case of an emergency. Prepare to be self-dependent. You will not be able to rely on the government fro ANY assistance. Remember hurricane Katrina? Civilians died waiting for government help! Don't put you or your family in this situation. Plan for the worst. Be prepared to help others.

If there is no emergency, than than God. You can always donate your supplies to a charitable organization.

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