Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Places to Start Cutting

Where Would You Cut?
America is on fire. We are spending way too much. in fact, federal spending exceeds tax revenues by $1.4 TRILLION dollars each year under Obama. That means 40% of what Big Government spends is borrowed money! If our creditors stop buying our debt, Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve Bank) sells us freshly printed money to Tim Geithner (Treasury Secretary). We pay INTEREST on the newly printed dollars to the Federal Reserve Bank (a privately owned bank). That's a nice deal for the Federal Reserve Bank and its owners. Too bad it's a secret to Americans as to who actually owns the Federal Reserve Bank. Isn't it time to find out?

Place To Cut #1
Audit the Fed. Find out if George Soros has anything to do with the Federal Reserve bank. If so, abolish the bank and STOP PRINTING MONEY from thin air. Return to the gold standard.

Place To Cut #2
The Federal Department of Education has an annual budget of $121 Trillion dollars. It was created by Jimmy Carter back in 1979. Since its creation, American education has fallen behind many countries - including China. The more we budget, the less we get in return. This Department has failed - so why keep it? So why not cut the entire Department of Education since they have failed to do what they set-out to do?

Place to Cut #3
Government workers salaries. Federal workers average between 30 and 40 percent more than their respective equivalents in the private sector. Bring their salaries in line and save $240 BILLION per year!

Place To Cut #4
Obama's Stimulus. We set aside $240 BILLION for this disaster. It did not reduce unemployment and has wasted huge amounts of money. Much of Obama's Stimulus remains unspent. CUT IT NOW to stop any further losses. It Failed!

Place To Cut #5
ObamaCare! Repeal it immediately. This would save $5 BILLION in just 2012! Over the next 10 years ObamaCare will add over $1 TRILLION dollars in new healthcare spending. There are many reasons to repeal it besides, it has been ruled unconstitutional is several Federal Courts.

Just for Openers
So you see, we can cut spending and cut now. We can save tons of money. The next places to look for cuts would be to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who has gone crazy under the Obama Administration over-regulating - even the air we breathe!

Think about it, there are many good places to find wasted Federal monies. The problem is to get the lazy BASTARDs in Washington to do something about it!

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