Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What You Don't Know About Herman Cain

2nd Tier Candidate?
Our Lame Stream Media has already decided who the front runners are in the GOP campaign for the Presidency. They have placed Perry against Romney and forgotten the others. However, there is a rising star that they have overlooked. His name is Herman Cain.

But Tea Party Members Are Racists...
Wait a minute! We support the Tea Party here - Right? Aren't we all supposed to be racists? Ask Morgan Freeman (actor) about that. (Another recent accusation from a Progressive without any proof. He made a verbal attack without substantiation. He should stick to acting where he knows what he's taking about). But isn't Herman Cain African American? How can the racist Tea Party show any interest in another black guy? Wow, what a paradox. Ask Morgan Freeman about that.

Don't Dismiss Cain Yet
As a "second tier" candidate (term coined by the Lame Stream Media), people really don't know much about Herman Cain except that he's the pizza guy. We really need to learn more before we can fairly dismiss him as non-viable. You have to hear HIS message because it resonates with American ideals.

Try It, You'll Like It
Your mother used to tell you to try eating a new food because you have to try it before you can decide whether you like it. Likewise for Herman Cain. So here are some clips of interviews with Herman Cain by Dick Morris. They are quite revealing about Cain and may change your thoughts on whether he gets the picture of what's going on in America.

Action To Take
If you liked what you heard in these interviews, let Herman Cain know. Go to his website and contact him. Send a donation to support his campaign.

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