Thursday, October 13, 2011

Executive Dictatorship

Boo Hoo
After suffering a political defeat in Congress, Obama had plenty to say to a meeting of the Jobs Council when his Jobs Plan didn't pass. The US Senate just voted NOT to pass Obama's Jobs Plan. Even his buddy Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D, NV) voted "NO" on the bill. This doesn't stop Obama from blaming the GOP for the non-passage. He's labeled the GOP "Obstructions" once again. Frankly, Americans are getting tired of HIS repetitious message he keeps diddling back to Americans when he doesn't get HIS way.

Obama's Take on It?
Obama doesn't need Congress to pass the new Stimulus! in his own words "...but, we're not going to wait for Congress. So my instruction to Jeff and Jean and Valerie and all the advisers who are sitting around the table is scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively, without additional correctional authorization, and just get it done."

Oh REALLY? Who died and put Obama in charge of the purse strings in Washington? Looks like his "fundamental change for America" also includes trashing the US Constitution which contains HIS job description.

This guy is getting too big for his britches! He THINKS that HE can circumvent the laws of the land and do whatever HE pleases without Congress or their approvals. Unfortunately, he has already taken this approach by declaring war on Libya, and by telling the EPA and FCC to regulate HIS energy policies and Internet policies into affect without Congress. Don't forget too, that he also IGNORED Congress by "appointing" 31 CZARS without any vetting whatsoever!

Time To Stop These Breaches
It's time to stop this guy from THINKING He can do anything He pleases. Demand that Congress put a stop to his overstepping his Presidential authority as outlined in the Constitution. They need to get some guts and stand up to him for a change! Meanwhile, start volunteering to help the GOP candidate of you choice so we can VOTE-HIM-OUT in 2012.

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