Saturday, October 22, 2011

How Much Is Enough?

Obama's Corruption
It seems that if you support Green Jobs, then you're likely to be a beneficiary of one of Obama's guaranteed federal loan programs. Why your company doesn't even have to be here in America! The latest scandal regarding Obama's Green Jobs Initiative is regarding a company in FINLAND that makes electric cars.

Al Gore's Pet Project
Was it just by coincidence this company received $500 MILLION from the Department of Energy and that Al Gore owns a financial interest in that company? Doesn't this have the appearance of impropriety? Maybe it does and maybe it doesn't. What we do know is that Al Gore owns a good chunk of the company and that in the past two years after receiving the big loan, the company has only manufactured two frigin' cars! Of the two cars, they gave one to Leonardo Caprio because he likes electric cars. Oh, we forgot to mention that these cars have a retail price of just over $150,000 each! That may explain why the company only made one car a year. Who can afford them?

Investigate This For Face Value
This situation looks bad from the onset. Congress should put this high on the list to investigate and see if there was anyone breaking the law here. Why did the USA give this money to a foreign company in the first place? What exactly is Al Gore's part in this operation? Was he given special favors? If so, Why? Wasn't the point of the loan guarantees to help provide "Green Jobs" here in America?

Action To Take
We need answers! Demand that Congress add this to their list of scandals to investigate. If laws were broken or if there are cover-ups, prosecute to the fullest.

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