Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hooverville Shanties Repeated...

Hooverville History
"Hooverville" was a name given to shanty towns that appeared in the outskirts of big towns created by the homeless people during the Great Depression. These shanty towns were named after President Herbert Hoover because he allegedly allowed the nation to plunge into the depression. (Sound familiar?) Ironically, the negative name was coined by a Democrat named Charles Michelson. The Democrats also coined the phrase "Hoover Blanket" for newspapers used as blankets and "Hoover Wagon" to describe a horse-drawn car because people could not afford gasoline. (Funny how the DEMs are still quite good at name calling HUH?)

Hooverville settlements often formed in empty private lands and consisted of small cardboard, tar paper, or wooden shacks built from pallets and crates and other salvage materials. Hooverville occupants had skilled trades and could construct their dwellings with minimal materials. Local authorities did NOT usually recognize these settlements as legitimate and often removed their occupants for trespassing on private land. However, many were tolerated or ignored because of mere necessity. There was little crime or lawlessness.

Today's Similarities
Well someone (Sorry, but I don't know who it was that coined the new phrase) in the 21st Century has coined a name for the "OWS." Now the occupy encampments are referred to as "ObamaVille Shanties" or just "Obama Villages" similar to what we had in the 1930s. It not only suits the situation, but it describes the new occupiers using a touch of irony and wit.

There are several parallels using the new name. Times were very bad here in America in the 1930s and so too are they now. Millions of people were out-of-work back then and likewise they are too in 2011. It's estimated that over 25% of the workforce was out-of-work. Homelessness was becoming a way of life for more and more Americans and, once again it's the same now with mortgage foreclosures and houses going "underwater". There were long food lines at soup kitchens for the homeless in the thirties and now about 40% of Americans are on food stamps. We have much in common.

Today's Differences
In contrast to the shanties of the 1930s, the occupiers of the new shanty towns have several distinct differences from those of their predecessors, as follows:

  • Obama Villages are popping up in large cities in parks or other open areas within the cities.

  • Obama Villages are well organized and well funded.

  • Obama Villages are strictly political in nature. They are not created out of necessity, but as protests.

  • Obama Villages have been infiltrated by anarchists, revolutionaries, and known terrorists like Bill Ayers.

  • Obama Villages are built using tents. No construction skills are required.

  • The people in these villages are sometimes called "Fleabaggers" in jest of the Tea Party movement.

  • There is unrestrained lawlessness occurring in ObamaVilles everywhere. Rapes, murder, theft, drugs and other serious crimes are prevalent.

  • Civil disobedience is the rule of behavior.

  • Disease, filth, and terrible hygiene is a daily experience.

  • Public destruction of property is encouraged.

  • Work stoppages and disruptions of public servants is one of the goals.

  • Antisemitism is displayed and supported often.

  • Communist, Marxist, and anarchist propaganda is prevalent.

  • Obama Villages are supported by President Obama and HIS administration, and many in the Democratic Party as a divisive technique to divide the country.

  • ObamaVilles are funded by a variety of sources including trade unions, and LEFT-Wing organizations like ACORN and Media Matters.

  • The main theme of the "demonstrations" is revolution to overthrow the government.

  • Self-admitted Communist and ex-Obama Czar, Van Jones is one of the OWS main leaders and organizers.
  • .
  • The individuals in these "shanties" are not poor, but do NOT work.

  • Occupiers in these villages don't want work, they want free government hand-outs, free tuition, and more entitlements.

  • Occupiers want to overthrow Capitalism and form a new world government or utopia.

ObamaVilles Aren't Going Away
The Democratic Party as we once knew it, has been co-opted just like the "occupiers" have been taken over by Socialists, revolutionaries, and anarchists. They lean hard towards Socialism and Marxism. They will continue support of these groups.

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