Saturday, November 12, 2011

Rick Perry is Done

The Last Debate
Although there is another GOP debate scheduled for tonight, it's a wonder why Rick Perry is going to attend. His performance in the last national debate was pathetic. Americans cannot perceive this guy going up against Obama - let alone our worst enemies without being able to think clearly on his feet. He has projected incompetence at the national level.

Perry has done this to himself. He has shown Americans that he is not worthy of the job as President. He always refers to his success as a governor but lacks the ability to remember the details on "his" own economic plans. What a disappointment.

TV Appearances
To try and do damage control Perry tried going on several TV shows to let the American public know that he's a normal guy who gets a "Brain Freeze" just like everyone else. What he didn't understand, that his performance demonstrated a huge weakness in his personality. America does not need another weak President. Not now.

Perry Needs to Concede
Just like many professional athletes, it's often hard to recognize when to quit. Perry's wife is the reason he entered the race. She's the one pushing him to continue. Perry has to make the hard decision for himself that this is NOT his to win any longer.

Americans are tired of the current administration's lies and misgivings. They are tired of America being transformed into a Socialist/Marxist state with bailouts, and government take-overs, and excessive government regulations. The failed policies of Obama will take many years to correct, even if Americans want it to happen. That's why we need a STRONG LEADER and Perry is not of that caliber. He may be fine as governor of Texas and he should stay in that position as long as Texans are satisfied with him.

As to the Presidential nomination for the GOPs... who knows at this point? It's still too soon to really tell who's emerging. What we all know is that we must defeat Obama and put someone in the White House who can turn this mess around and that's not Perry!

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