Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Big Brother is Growing

Anyone Home?
Is anyone listening out there? Can you hear me now? The lights are on, but nobody is home - or at least that's the way it seems. Americans are too wrapped-up in their daily lives to see the big picture. The Federal government is slowly building a POLICE STATE while we all sit back and miss the warning signs every day. It's really happening right before our eyes. Just pay a little more attention people!

The Latest Expansion
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is no longer limited to just screening people at airports. No, now it seems that they have "ASSUMED" the role as the highway inspection police. By who's authority? How can the TSA just assume that they can now search automobiles, trains, trucks, and buses without search warrants?

Look Around
The TSA isn't just in airports anymore. TSA teams are increasingly performing searches and screenings at subways, train stations, ferry boat terminals, and other places where mass transit runs around the USA. They claim that they are "Not the Airport Security Administration" and that they take the "transportation part seriously."

Well so do some of us OTHER Americans! We have noticed the silent expansion of the government agency. We also have noticed how the TSA is morphing into a new police department. The Fed calls it the "TSA" but we call it the "GESTAPO" because it has so much in common with it!

The Next Step
What will TSA's next steps be? Will the TSA demand to see your Identification? What exactly will they do with "Undocumented" (A nice word for ILLEGAL ALIENS) people? Will these people be arrested and detained? Hey, the left is bitching about people being required to show IDs at voting polls. Where are they now? Isn't this situation much worse?

Remember, Congress just passed NADA (National Defense Authorization Act) while you were Christmas shopping. Don't be surprised if the TSA teams up with the military to become their enforcers. NADA allows the military to arrest and detain indefinitely ANY American citizen if they are "suspected" to be a terrorist.

Action To Take
Don't just sit there! Start complaining loudly about these actions of the government. Your complacency is KILLING your FREEDOMS! Stop accepting these individual attacks on your liberties. Don't let the government intimidate you any longer.

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