Sunday, January 1, 2012

Diversity & Social Justice

America's Brainwashing
The Progressives of today are the "Anti-Federalists" of the past. They do NOT believe in the laws and powers specified in the US Constitution. They don't like the limits set in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. That's why they want to either ignore them or rewrite them altogether! Progressives of today fear that if individual states are allowed to be granted their own constitutional rights, life as they want it, could not exist. Progressives believe that BIG GOVERNMENT is the only answer. They have a very different vision for America than the Founders did.

Progressives of today rely on creating disunity among America's citizens. (United we stand, divided we fall). Progressives know all too well that this principle works when you want to conquer the masses. They are following the teachings of Saul Alinski. Their goal is to collapse the system in the United States to create their own special "Utopia" of Totalitarianism.

Believe it! They want complete government control over everything. They want the government to control YOUR lives completely. They want YOU to rely on the government for everything. They claim that the Constitution is outdated and no longer relevant. Sadly, they are making good progress in this endeavour. Look around and you'll see what we mean. Example: Excessive Political Correctness.

Perhaps it's now important to have a 21st century day version of the Federalist Papers to show why the Constitution is such a great document and why we should fight to keep its rule of law intact. We need a new "user's manual" so we as citizens can understand and cherish the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, as citizens, we have gone astray and no longer understand how the Founders intended our country to be run. This is OUR FAULT! Americans are not familiar with what the Founders wanted - let alone know what rights they have and don't have here in America.

Dummy Down
One way that's key to dividing the country is to get the Progressive message out to the youth of America. The Nazis were quite successful with this strategy back in the 1930s. Progressives have learned from the past while the rest of us have become complacent.

Progressives have seen to it that our public education system is now designed to contribute to the dumming-down of our children. Changes in curriculum and textbooks now allow the teaching of subjects outside the typical "Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic." Our national educational standards have lowered thanks to Big Government intervention. American students no longer rank in the highest rated students world-wide. We have fallen to new lows and continue to do so.

Colleges and universities employ the radicals of the 1960s and 1970s as professors who are brainwashing our youth with their Social Justice and diversity propaganda! It's no wonder why we have the OWS protesters in the streets. More and more young people don't know American history or little about the founding of America. Progressives keep re-writing the history so that they can achieve total ignorance in our youth. They keep trying to drop the teaching of American history prior to 1800 in school textbooks. This would omit the concepts of the Founding Fathers completely! Look at modern textbooks and the subject and topics covered or omitted! It's disgusting! It's no wonder why our children are failing in schools.

Questions to Ask
Here are a few questions you should be asking as parents:

  • Are you allowing your children to be subjected to Progressive propaganda like the "Story of Stuff" which demeans Capitalism and teaches kids that it's bad?

  • Does your school teach your 1st and 2nd graders about homosexuality? Can your kids opt-out if YOU want?

  • Does your school still say the Pledge of Allegiance or are kids taught to pledge the earth instead?

  • Do your kid's classrooms still have American flags?

  • Is political correctness out of control at your kid's school?

  • Are your kids banned from hugging?

  • Does your school emphasize Social Justice and diversity a lot?

  • Are your kids being taught about Global Warming as OUR fault?

More and more people are becoming aware of this and have taken the responsibility of home schooling their children to avoid the indoctrination present in today's classrooms. Are you doing your share?

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