Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cut Our Losses

Get Out Now
We have been in Afghanistan for 10 years. We went there to kill Bin Laden. We did, so why are we still there? Each day we waste our blood and human treasure for a government who can't stand us. So why not get out now?

Democratize Is The Goal
Why does the USA believe that we can create a modern 21st century government in a country that has NEVER had a government? That's pretty arrogant to believe that we have the answers to their problems. Most of the Afghans want us to leave them alone. They refuse to go along with our plan to introduce a Democratic approach to government. They would rather continue along their traditional tribal ways. So why not leave them alone?

Our mission was achieved when we found and killed Bin Laden. Incidentally, he wasn't even living in Afghanistan! By staying around, all we do is piss-off more people who want us gone and have even more reasons for us to leave than the day before.

World Police Department
The United States of America is NOT the world's police force. Each country has it's own sovereignty and we should not interfere with them - period. Our Founding Fathers had it right when they realized that the only time we should intervene in a foreign land is when they are a threat to the USA. That philosophy has been forgotten and look where the new ideas have gotten us! We are spread so thin that we can't even protect our own borders!

Action To Take
Tell your Congressional leaders to get our troops out of Afghanistan immediately. Mission accomplished.

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