Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Energy Independence - BAH!

Obama Energy Policies
Obama claims to want America to become energy independent but his actions prove otherwise. Once again Obama says one thing while directing HIS government agencies and regulators (CZARS) to do just the opposite.

Obama refuses to drill for oil and closed down all offshore drilling sending the big oil rigs to Brazil to help his friends at Petrobras so they can drill offshore for oil. He told the Brazilians that he would be happy to make the USA a Big customer of their oil while denying us of the same opportunity. To add insult to injury, Obama loaned Brazil several BILLION $$$ for this project!!

His Green Energy projects have squandered literally TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars (Solyndra) while ignoring our greatest natural resource - coal. Fact: The United States has the world's largest coal reserves!

Obama's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has re-defined regulations and have begun to close-down coal-fired electrical plants. Within the next few years their new regulations Will literally STOP ALL construction of coal-electric plants. Why? We rely on coal to generate 45% of all of our electricity. And Obama wants to close them all? This will destroy America and increase the price of every good and service provided. Why?

We are now exporting record numbers of coal to China and Europe because they want cheap energy. Pollution? What's that? By killing the coal industry, Obama is also KILLING the entire state of West Virginia. He doesn't care!

So why won't Obama admit his failures and stop throwing our money away? Obama refuses to admit that HIS administration has reduced the number of drilling permits for oil and gas by claiming we are drilling more now than ever before. What he omits telling us is that this drilling is on PRIVATE LAND not government land that he can control. He also omits telling us that the permits issued for the current drilling were issued by the previous administration! That's called LYING BY OMISSION!

Keep Your Eye On The Ball
Listen to what Obama says and then watch what he does. They NEVER MATCH. He's a master of deception and he has fooled too many people for the past three years. Meanwhile, environmentalists continue their quest to save the whole planet at the expense of the American economy and Obama goes along with this agenda. This is hypocritical because Obama lets other nations drill and burn fossil fuels and doesn't say ANYTHING about them.

Remember In November
This coming election is going to be nasty. Obama cannot run on HIS record because it is so dismal. Consequently, there will be a lot of negativity coming from the White House to deflect attention away from the facts.

If you love America and care about its future, you need to vote Obama out-of-office.

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