Friday, May 4, 2012

36+ Months Over 8%

Numbers Don't Lie Like Obama
When Obama took office in 2008, he told the American public that if we didn't pass HIS Stimulus package immediately, our unemployment rate would go up over 8%. So we passed his Stimulus. Look what it got us.

We have had unemployment numbers over 8% for that past 36+ months!

If You Believe The Numbers
Good News: The April statistics are out and indicate a slight drop of 0.1% in unemployment. The Bad News is that unemployment is STILL over 8%!! What this should tell you is that Obama's Stimulus and economic policies have FAILED MISERABLY to lower unemployment. His Stimulus went to bailout companies and banks that should have been allowed to file bankruptcy and face the consequences of BAD Business practices. Instead, Obama rewarded bad behavior, nationalized two automobile companies and regulated the living CRAP out of banks, businesses, oil companies, and anything that generates money!

Reminder: The unemployment numbers are compiled and published by the very government that claims that they are doing such a great job lowering unemployment. Outside sources that crunch the same numbers indicate that America's unemployment is much worse than reported by government agencies. Their numbers are more than double the government reported figures!

Fundamentally Change America
Blame Americans for not listening or understanding what they were voting for back in 2008. Obama was up front by telling us that he wanted to "fundamentally change America" with his administration if elected. He's still trying hard, and Americans are suffering immensely. Slowly, but surely, we are waking up to the REAL facts.

Obama has to go in November.

Look At HIS Record
Don't listen to the PROPAGANDA coming from the White House. Obam's track record is failure after failure. When the campaigns ramp-up, you are going to see and hear a lot of negative ads. Obama was the first to invoke negativity because he cannot point to his record of success. He has none - unless you like ObamaCare! He has to try and deflect all attention as often as possible, away from HIS failures including, lack of drilling, scandals, and mis-mangement of government affairs and so on...

Don't be fooled again! Look at the mess that Obama has created in 3 1/2 years. Don't make the same mistake again this November. Look at the unemployment figures. That alone should tell you this was a BIG MISTAKE!

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