Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Egypt's Irony

Rioting In Egypt
It is truly ironic that the Egyptians recognize Fascism when confronted directly with it. They are rioting against their newly ordained "President" because he assumed dictatorial powers and they won't tolerate it. They just fought and died for freedom and don't want it to be stolen once again!

American's Complacency
On the other hand, people here in the USA either don't recognize totalitarianism when they see it, or they just don't have time to give a care about it. We have had freedom for a long time and now take it for granted. Additionally, we are unfortunately IGNORANT to the facts. Most Americans naively believe that this government take-over could never happen in the United States.

Collapse From Within
We are under attack and few people here in the the states even recognize it. Our President is deliberately trying to collapse our economy and weaken our military. He deliberately assumes powers never granted to him or his office. He does so on a regular basis. Congress ignores it and we do too. We never hold anyone accountable any more for THEIR actions.

That's a pity and it will come home to rest. One of the main responsibilities under a Republic is to be watchful over your government. Governments always tend to grow and try to assume powers they should never have or were ever granted to them. We aren't being watchful and look at where we are today. We can't trust our own elected officials to represent US any longer. Once they get to Washington, they get co-opted by the POWER-CORRUPTED OFFICIALS already there. Corruption is rampant.

The Blame
Its our own fault. We have ignore the corruption for too long. We keep re-electing the scoundrels who have poisoned our government. We have ignored the lies and scandals too long. We have been too busy to care. Our freedoms are eroding and no one seems to care. Before you know it, we will have reached the point of no return and it will be too late. America is in transformation and if YOU don't speak-out now, it's your fault.

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