Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Devil At Work

Obama's Chief negotiator (Valerie Jarrett - native born Iranian) has just committed to a GREAT deal for Iran. They get to keep their uranium centrifuges going, we lift our economic sanctions, and get NOTHING IN RETURN.

This "deal" will go down in history as one of the biggest capitulations ever made in American history. Oh, by the way we are giving Iran MILLIONS to help them out of the economic collapse that the sanctions created. What a great deal.

It's becoming more clear that Obama and his "Negotiator" are both playing in a league they have no understanding about. They both are in way over their heads. Both are RANK AMATEURS in world politics. Both have capitulated to one of America's biggest enemies. And for what?

Was this deal just to change the focus in Washington from the ObamaCare disaster? That seems quite plausible. Remember, you always have to watch both hands with Obama. He'll say one thing and then do just the opposite. Always watch his actions. NEVER listen to his LIES.

Obama sold-out America's best interest in favor of allowing Iran to continue with their development of nuclear weapons.

Who's side is Obama REALLY ON?

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