Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can You Hear Us Now?

The Tea Party movement is alive and well. Massachusetts made history yesterday with a new Massachusetts Tea Party of 2010 commonly referred to as the "special election." For the first time in over 46 years, the senate seat in Massachusetts went to a Republican with conservative values! This senate seat was vacated when Senator Edward Kennedy passed away with cancer. This was truly an historical event with huge implications of things to come in the mid-term elections this year. Massachusetts voter's next targets are John Kerry and Barney Frank-both enemies of the Founding Fathers!

The Progressive movement has heard the message loud and clear. Americans do not want or like their ideas for "transforming America." So now Progressives will become even more aggressive with their agendas. They will begin to try and accelerate forced government healthcare any way they can to achieve political control over Americans. They will try and pass Cap & Trade. They will try to make Illegal Aliens US citizens. They will try and regulate and control the Internet.

However, Progressives have indeed awakened the proverbial "sleeping giant." Massachusetts voters resoundingly responded against government forced healthcare. They are the third "Blue" state to vote Against the current administration's policies by electing a Republican to office in a predominantly Democratic state.

The Tea Party movement feels the power growing and we won't back down now. We cannot let Progressives change America the way THEY want it. America sees the new enemy from within and "we won't be fooled again". Yes, Progressives ARE the enemy. They want to destroy American values and American tradition through political correctness and dictates from the elite. They are trying to, as Obama stated: "fundamentally change America." This is NOT the American way and we will no longer tolerate it.

Progressives have infiltrated both political parties following Saul Alinsky's strategy outlined in his guide "Rules for Radicals." Americans have awakened to this threat and are beginning to fight back. We know the enemy. We are aware that they are trying to destroy the very foundations that made this country strong.

America is grateful to the voters in Massachusetts. They have given more strength to the Tea Party movement. We WILL take-back America, one politician at a time until our liberties and freedoms are once again placed above greed, power, corruption, dishonesty, and despotism.