Sunday, January 10, 2010

ObamaCare Will Be Challenged

Our Congress lacks the authority to force individuals to pay for healthcare coverage – especially if it contains government supported abortions. The current healthcare bills pending resolution are unconstitutional. Of course Congress has dismissed this charge as being incorrect. But what they forget is that they lack the authority to mandate insurance coverage for private businesses and individuals.

If Congress passes ObamaCare (and they will), there will be a suit filed to challenge this legislation. Who has the nerve to do this? The Liberty Counsel of Liberty University will file this suit. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise!

Liberty University, based in Lynchburg, Virginia is the largest and fastest growing Christian university in the world with over 50,000 students. They will be the plaintiffs along with private nonprofit, and for profit businesses, individuals, and other religious institutions.

The sole justification being used by Congress is the Innerstate Commerce Act (enacted by the Progressive movement in 1887) which must affect interstate commerce. Individual decisions about health care insurance do not. However, the proposed pending legislation force coverage on individuals (with fines and imprisonment), and private employers no matter how removed their activities are from interstate commerce.

How can Congress make a law that applies only to citizens of the United States but does NOT apply equally to the Senators and Representatives as well? That is another point to consider as well. It’s time the MORONS in Washington get the message.