Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cap & Trade is Back Again

They never give up. According to the Progressive New York Times, "...blizzards are a result of global warming. These storms are consistent with a heating and cooling planet that will produce more intense weather". Wait a minute. They are telling you that blizzards are caused by a planet that's warming up. Does that make ANY sense to you?

Don't forget Global Warming has been a convenient excuse for Progressives to tax and regulate in order to gain more power. They ignore the facts. They distort the truth. They do NOT want to discuss it. WHY? Because this current weather pattern (multiple blizzards on the East coast) is the death Nell of the Climate Change ideologue. Ever since the Copenhagen conference, Global Warming activists have been hiding from the falsified data their "scientists" used to prove their point. Unfortunately for them, Global Warming is non-verifiable. It is NOT a fact. In fact, there are plenty of scientists who disagree and believe that Global Warming is a hoax.

Cap & Trade is a corrupt ideology (not science) based on government expansion. They (Progressives) got found-out and now they are running scared. Don't be fooled by the lies in the NYT. Their data is fraudulent. The so called hockey stick theory is bogus. Their scientists were caught lying and "fixing" data to promote THEIR cause. Progressives never rely on the truth. The ends justify the means (Saul Alinsky).

They ignore that fact that solar and wind power are NOT the solution either. Both have shortcomings. Neither work efficiently 24/7 and you must rely on traditional power generation for backups. Professor Obama's own words indicated that energy costs would necessarily have to "skyrocket" under his Progressive energy policies.

Speaking of Green Power. ABC News reported that a bulk of the 80% of the Green Jobs created from the Stimulus bill all went to CHINA! How's that for a Green Policy? Do you STILL TRUST a Progressive?

Action To Take
When Congress begins to revitalize Cap & Trade, let them know we don't want it.

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