Saturday, March 27, 2010

Iran Will Get Nukes!

We can owe a lot of this to Obama. He's a rank amateur when it comes to international politics. So are his advisors who are mostly ex-Chicago politicians and radicals who know nothing about international politics. Obama actually believed that he could talk our enemies into reasonable scenarios. How naive can you be?

It seems the best way to describe Obama's National Security strategy is NO STRATEGY. Instead, he and his team play desperate improvisation with OUR National Security. Obama promised strict sanctions and has backed down because China and Russia won't go along with him. Why should they? They are playing chess while Obama is playing checkers. He is outclassed and out ranked by those countries and hasn't figured that out yet. He could do better if he outsourced the responsibility to Hugo Chavez! Maybe he will?

Meanwhile the Mexican border remains open. This is ALSO one of our biggest National Security threats. What is Obama doing about it? Nada. He has just authorized Janet Napolitano to stop developing the "virtual" fence using high technology in order to save money. This is part of his spending cuts. What an idiot! We still have a vacant position for Customs and Border Protection director. It seems to have a low priority with this administration. Obama is too focused on passing his Progressive (Marxist) agenda of re-distributing wealth while letting our guard down in Iran and in our southern borders.

Obama's solution to the Mexican drug cartel problem is to LEGALIZE ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS – including CRIMINALS! Gee, that sounds like a great solution. Amnesty for criminals – another hairbrain idea!

All states should look to Arizona for a shining example on how to solve the Mexican border problem. They are in the process of passing the toughest legislation that actually enforces existing federal laws on Illegals. Soon it will become a felony to hire or transport Illegals anywhere in Arizona.

Watch this administration closely. Amenesty for ILLEGALS is coming soon. AND, Iran will get Nukes without any intervention from Obama. America, we are in deep "@&HIT" with this President. He doesn't care about our National Security and he lacks the knowledge to deal with it.