Monday, March 22, 2010

A National Day of Morning

America used to be a country "of the people, by the people, and for the people." That changed last night when Congress decided it was OK to force people to buy health insurance. If you refuse to cooperate, you may be fined, put in prison, or both. Does that sound like America or more like Nazi Germany, Communist China, or Soviet Russia? If you are not worried, you should be! Americans do not want socialized medicine. Now the government is jamming it downs our throats like it or not!

Besides the government take over of an additional 20% of the national economy, ObamaCare will also take over all student college loans. What has this to do with healthcare? Nothing! Both measures are an unprecedented power grab by the Federal government. They give the government more control over individuals. This is another giant step towards totalitarianism. It literally kills two birds with one stone.

ObamaCare was passed solely by "Democrats." Whatever they call themselves, Progressives have voted a strong blow against the Constitution and the principles of the Founding Fathers. In addition, they have forsaken their vows of office to defend the Constitution simply because the ends justify the means. They lie, they cheat, they deceive, they don't pay taxes, and they do not listen to you. Their loyalty is to their cause – not YOURS! Why doesn't anyone ask questions about this? Why did they pass this when the people didn't want it?

The government has totally ignored the will of the majority of Americans and passed legislation to fit the Progressive agenda. The "representatives" of both parties no longer defend the views and beliefs of the people who voted them into office. Instead, they represent special interests and hidden agendas of corruption and subterfuge. Power corrupts. The more they get, the more they want. The Founders warned us a long time ago that this could happen if we, the citizens allowed government seizure of power to happen. Here we are. It's not too late, but time is running out America.

Anti-abortion Democrats claim they stayed true to their principles by reversing their positions and voting "Yes." How can this be? They believe that Obama's promise for an executive order will protect the sanctity of life. They gave up their principles for a promise to protect life. Some principles. These people have no honor. They are NOT trustworthy. They let their constituents down – big time. So right now, the government will pay for abortions. This is proof that Congress is corrupt and we as Americans need to non-violently REVOLT against them all. Yes, REVOLT strongly in November. Don't forget the day they attacked the Constitution. Don't forget the back-door dealing. Don't forget the sell-outs. Don't forget the lies and false promises.

We need a strong Independent party that will enforce the Constitution. We need representatives that will keep their oath of office. We need trustworthy representatives – honest individuals with integrity. Candidates should demonstrate virtue and morality. We need to vote in large numbers this November to affect the change WE want to impose on corruption and mistrust. We shall not be betrayed again. We will not forget. Well will find redemption. We will revolt because too much liberty is at stake.