Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Don't Believe the Spin

When you hear President Obama telling Americans that the Stimulus Recovery is working and creating new jobs, do NOT believe it. He's preparing you for yet another stimulus and more government spending. Don't buy it any longer. He's spending us into oblivion and destroying America's economy.

The June job numbers are out. "The recovery is working" is pure Bull Crap because the numbers only show 13,000 new private sector jobs. You cannot believe whatever the White House reports tell you. It's pure propaganda.

Why? Obama is following the game plan of Cloward and Piven. He is trying to transform America alright. By overloading the system, Americas' economy will indeed crash and burn. He knows it and is going ahead full speed on this agenda while he still has the power. This explains why he's always in a hurry to pass new laws, regulations, and new taxes. He wants to grab as much governmental power as possible. He knows he cannot sustain this pace with the American people.

Obama wants to re-distribute the wealth and give it to foreign countries who are less fortunate. The new climate bill does EXACTLY THAT! It taxes you heavily for your "abusive" energy consumption and gives the money to foreign countries to level the playing field. Electricity costs for Americans will necessarily have to "skyrocket" because we use too much in comparison to the rest of the world. The net result is that we will be taxed heavily for energy. This will help destroy the American economy and lower our standard of living.

In addition, the banning of oil drilling will create American job losses in access of 20,000 jobs. Obama knows this and still wants to ban drilling. He's currently circumventing a court order. WHY? His buddy George Soros needs the oil derricks (that we are using) for drilling offshore in Brazil. You see, Soros owns a controlling interest in Petrobras (Brazil's largest oil company). Soros stands to gain billions. Oh, don't forget that Obama has loaned Brazil $2 Billion dollars for offshore drilling while he bans it here!

Obama is also trying to get full control over the Internet. Senate legislation will do just that. It will give Obama "Absolute Power" to shut down the Internet for up to 4 months! They also are passing a government take-over of Wall Street. They will have power to take over any privately held company! Plus, the new bill contains "earmarks" that have nothing to do will Wall Street.

He's deliberately taking government control over as much as he can while he still has the Democratic majorities in both Houses.

What Personal Tragedy Will It Take?
When will Americans wake up and stop this government take-over? What will it take before it is too late? America is in serious trouble. We need to stop spending and cut entitlements. Instead, Congress is doing just the opposite.

What exactly will it take to get people to care and become active? Does somone you know have to die or be arrested? What?

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