Saturday, September 18, 2010

Religion Allowed in Public Schools

Wellesley Middle School Brainwashes Kids
Children in a public Wellesley, MA middle school went on a field trip to visit the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. Videos of this trip clearly show that the intent was not what parents were told before the trip. Instead of learning about the history of Islam, students were systematically BRAINWASHED instead. Several of the middle schoolers actually participated in Muslim prayer to Allah.

Somehow, we think that this wasn't exactly what the parents of these kids were told would happen on the trip.

Can't Display the 10 Commandments
Ironic (or moronic), but kids are not supposed to pray in school any longer. The courts have ruled against this activity. They have also ruled against the display of the 10 Commandments in public buildings. And yet we see that a Progressive community school (like Wellesley, MA) believes that it's OK to PRAY at a mosque during a school sponsored activity!

This Was Wrong
If the parents of these poor kids are NOT outraged from this incident, then there's little hope for the state of Massachusetts. People are supposed to be protected to be able to to choose (or NOT) the religion of their own choice. This did not happen here.

Before you get upset, think about this example: We are going to take the middle school kids on a field trip to a Roman Catholic Church during school hours. Some of the kids are Muslims. During the field trip several of the kids (including the Muslims) take part in praying in the Church.

Do you honestly believe that the parents of the Muslim students would not be appalled and insulted?

Sounds Like a Lawsuit
In the very least, there should be a class lawsuit against the teachers and school authorities who authorized and otherwise approved this trip. Progressive behaviors (and teaching religious ideology) by school administrators and teachers must be limited and prohibited from influencing young children. What's the difference from this and what happended in Nazi Germany during the 1930s? Nothing! It's not their job to teach religion!!

Progressives are BAD for America! They ignore the Constitution and want to destroy it!

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