Thursday, September 16, 2010

Still Want Change?

Are you Pleased?
Well Obama has been in office over 20 months. He inherited a bad economy and promised to "fix" it. Under his plan, he is spending more money than any president before him. Are you happy with the results of HIS RECOVERY PLAN?

Let's see...
  • Government took over 2 auto companies who are now both on the verge of asking for more bailouts.

  • New financial regulations over banks allowing the government to close ANY bank they want for THEIR OWN REASONS

  • Fannie and Freddie Mac bailed-out with TRILLIONS of YOUR dollars. Now they have unlimited borrowing power without having to ask approval. And they were NOT included in the financial regulation bill passed.

  • Complete government take-over of all college student loans. No other sources are available.

  • ObamaCare passed raising taxes and FORCING YOU to buy government insurance under penalty of imprisonment and fines.

  • Obama still wants to give ILLEGALs Amnesty. TBD?

  • Congress still wants to pass Cap & Trade. Raising energy costs sky high!

  • FCC regulatory Czar tyring to get government control over the Internet.

  • Jobs lost under Obama's administration : Over 4 million.

  • Unemployment: Not holding STRONG at 9.6%

  • Open borders and lawsuit against Arizona. Failure to protect our borders.
Elections in Less Than 2 Months
If you think that this is the Right direction for America, then you should vote for a Democratic incumbent. Recall, they have the controlling power in Washington. The so-called One-Party-Rule ignores the opposition and pretty much does whatever they want to regardless of what Obama says.

However, if you would like to see some checks and balances added, consider voting for an Independent or Republican candidate.

Ask yourself: Am I better off now under Obama and the One-Party-Rule or have things gotten worse?

Remember the answer on November 2, 2010!

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