Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MSNBC Advocates Revolution!

On the Dylan Ratigan Show, he interviewed cartoonist and author of "Anti-American Manefesto" Mr. Ted Rall. They discussed whether it was time to change America by means of a violent overthrow of the government. That's right, they discussed overthrowing the United States of America on television. Ratigan stated that there are four ways to change government:
  • Political Process
  • Bond and Currency Markets
  • Passive Resistance
  • Violence
Rall states that even though violence is the "last Case scenario, ...we've seen over the last two years that neither the Democrats or the Republicans nor any possible third party is poised to step in. We know that the financial markets are getting increasing monopolized and they are in bed with the duopoly. And as you showed at the opening of the hour that the one percent of the country owning 24% of the income and it's just getting worse. That process is just going to accelerate. In terms of passive resistance, the American Left has been very peaceful since the eraly 70's, since the Kent State shootings. And where has it gotten us? Millions of people have marched against the war in Iraq. What did it do?"

Instead, Ted advocates "revolution"! He says "...no meaningful political change has ever taken place without violence or the credible threat of violence. ...The people have the obligation to revolt, when their government fails."

What's really frightening is that Ratigan agreed with Rall!

Americans WAKE UP
We are under attack from within. Strong forces are seeking to destroy your freedoms at ANY cost. They are starting to show themselves and things are getting scary! Denounce MSNBC for even airing this form of TREASON!

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