Sunday, November 7, 2010

Teleprompter Goes to India - Why?

Silver Tongue
The man touted as being a great orator is taking his teleprompter along with him to India and the other countries he's visiting. Ask yourself, one question: If Obama is such a great speaker, then why does he rely exclusively on a teleprompter, instead of just a few notes to give a speech?

Hasn't the Lame Stream media told us over and over again what a great speaker Obama is and that he's a natural speaker? Is this really true? Is Obama a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address with continuous eye contact? Hardly!

Look at the Facts
We used to think that George Bush was a terrible speaker, and he really was. That man couldn't put two sentences together without trouble - unless he read them. He was embarrassing to watch. So when Obama came along ANYTHING looked better than what we experienced for eight years.

But you need to take a close critical look at Obama. Is he really any better than his predecessor at giving speeches ad-lib? Recall during the campaign how Obama told Joe the plumber how HE wanted to "Spread the wealth?" That wasn't a good thing to let the public know before the election. The Lame Stream media glossed over it and tried to hide it. They helped Obama win by omission or covering it up.

However, when you watch and listen to the President when he ad-libs, he usually says something that he regrets later. Recent example is when he told an audience of Hispanics to punish their Republican "enemies" in the mid-term elections. He recanted this statement the next day after receiving a barrage of complaints about his choice of language used to describe Republicans.

The True Message
Stop being manipulated and brainwashed by the Lame Stream media. Don't take their reports as the truth. Think for yourself. Don't be a Homer Simpson! Listen to Obama and draw your own conclusions. He is NOT a great orator. He can't memorize his speeches. Quite the opposite. His "handlers" know this and don't trust him to stay on the talking points correctly without help. So they write his speeches so he won't stray from the message. Why else would he use a teleprompter to talk to a group of third graders? Third Graders! Does that make any sense? Use common sense, and wake up. He's a poor speaker and cannot stay on topic without help. He uses the teleprompter to maintain the image that the Lame Stream media built for him!

Finally, he is being manipulated by HIS handlers. They write his speeches. Who are the handlers? Think about it!

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