Sunday, November 14, 2010

Universal Healthcare - Oxymoron

More Exemptions
In a quiet almost stealthy move by the White House with NO PRESS RELEASE, they announced 111 more exemptions from the new healthcare law. This is beginning to sound like an unfair law if there ever was one.

A Job Killer
These exemptions prove that this legislation is a Job Killer because it puts the power of this administration to decided who is going to obey this law and who is not. This power to change it negates the entire law whatsoever! This is a confession by the Progressives who wrote it that they cannot create jobs with this legislation and that it hurts the private sector immensely! It is an admission that the bill is a failure on behalf of the White House. Now THEY can decide who this law is for and who it is not! This is NOT a "universal" law that applies to everyone as soon as they begin to make these exceptions. This is the beginning of a totalitarian government!

Oh, you can't afford to pay a lobbyist? Gee, too frigin' bad, because they are the only ones who get the ear of this administration. The rest of us have to obey their new "universal healthcare law." Only the large companies who can afford the lawyers and pundits to stop it can be exempt. Just the fact that it is NOT "universal" is proof that this law is unfair to the rest of Americans!

The Sin of the Whole Thing
This law was created and never read by those who passed it on Christmas Eve last year. We were told by Nancy Pelosi that we would have to pass it before you could find out what was in it! Remember? They knew that there were many problems with this legislation and they literally dumped it on us anyway! The Progressives just wanted to get the "shell" of the program passed so they could tack-onto it later - like they did with Medicare. The little guys who are affected the most have the least to say about it! Gee, that sounds FAIR and Universal! Since we cannot lobby, we are not on the exempt waiver list. Giving out waivers is an admission of GUILT! THANK THE BASTARDS WHO DID THIS TO US!

Big Government in Action
Now we see the real meaning of government as Progressives like it. THEY DECIDE what's good for us. We have NO SAY WHATSOEVER in this matter. Just shut-up and obey the law! This is UNFAIR and it should never have been passed just because of this reason alone!

Action To Take
DEMAND that Congress repeal ObamaCare immediately. And if Obama decides to veto it, have enough votes to override it. ObamaCare is a travesty on the American Public!

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