Saturday, November 20, 2010

Eric Holder = Friend of al Quaeda

Attorney General - What's That?
Eric Holder is the Attorney General of the USA. He tried a TERRORIST in a civilian court (his idea). Of the 280 charges (including murder) the Terrorist was acquitted even though evidence was given that proved that he bought the explosives that killed hundreds in two US Embassy bombings.

Luckily, the jury convicted the Terrorist of one count of conspiracy, a much lesser charge. Wow, with a weak prosecution like this - it makes the Obama administration look like a bunch of pussy cats (weak on Terror).

Holder is an Embarrassment
Eric Holder is an embarrassment to the US and to Obama. He barely won his first civil case. What a looser! We deserve a better Attorney General - one who can defend Americans - not TERRORISTS.

Action To Take
Demand that Eric Holder be fired immediately. If this is the best he can do against Terrorism, we need someone a lot stronger who can get the job done!

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