Monday, December 27, 2010

Death Panels Return!

US Constitution
The new Congress will be treated with a reading of the US Constitution as part of the opening ceremonies. Excellent! However, someone better send a copy to Obama because although he's supposed to be a Constitutional Scholar, he does NOT KNOW THE CONSTITUTION because he defies and violates it all the time!

End Run
This President thinks that he's above the law of the land. When he tried to pass legislation to control the Internet, there weren't enough votes. So he wrote a presidential Directive and the courts knocked that down. So then he ordered (or his FCC Czar Mark Llyod) the FCC to "regulate" the Internet. Recall, the FCC is Violating the Constitution because it "regulates" speech and content over the airwaves. Their latest takeover is Net Neutrality (Fairness Doctrine for the Internet to control news and other content).

Now Obama is resurrecting DEATH PANELS for the aged! Remember, these are the panels that "advise" the elderly on how they should die and avoid expensive treatments to save the government money. Of course Americans were told by the Progressives that there were no such things in ObamaCare.

Well, they are coming back thanks to Obama! He wants Death Panels and is going to write a Presidential Directive that will implement this into ObamaCare. His administration is busy pressing forward to enact measures on "end-of-life-planning" which is a euphemism for DEATH Panel! (The government decides whether you receive treatment or not). Funny, that when the law is passed a Presidential Directive cannot be "passed" to alter it's meaning or content. Apparently, Obama and his cronies never read or don't care about the Constitution. They just do as they Damn please. If no one complains, they get away with the violation. Don't let them get away with this underhanded behavior. Hold the ALL accountable.

Action To Take
Start complaining loud and clearly that you do NOT WANT ANY MODIFICATIONS TO INCLUDE DEATH PANELS! Tell Congress to enact legislation that reduces these abused Presidential Directives. And tell Congress to Repeal ObamaCare because it is unconstitutional as well.

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