Saturday, January 1, 2011

Progressives vs Thomas Jefferson

The Government
Thomas Jefferson had several thoughts about government. He believed that government was chartered to do five things, as follows:
  • Government should acknowledge and adore God. If they don't they will not understand unalienable rights and the need to defend them.

  • Government should exercise frugality. Government should avoid waste in spending, demonstrate frugality of power and authority. They should not spend us into oblivion.

  • Government should encourage entrepreneurship and free enterprise. The government should encourage prosperity through supporting free markets.

  • Government should restrain the infliction of injury. The government exists to keep the evil power-hungry, greedy people under control and not regulate the good people or control their lives.

  • The government should protect property and earnings of its citizens - not take it from them. The money you earn is YOUR prosperity just like your house and your land.

These are the main reasons government exists. We the People are in charge of all three branches of the government - not the other way around.

Progressive Views
Progressives believe that they know what's best for you. The hate the Constitution. They want to be in charge of YOUR lives.
  • They do NOT recognize unalienable rights. Many do not believe in God and cannot understand Natural Laws - or they chose not to. They believe that Big Government creates "rights" and citizens get them from the government.

  • Progressives are all about Power. The more they get, the more they want. The don't understand "Frugality" and they love to spend other people's money. They don't earn it, they take it fron citizens and spend it the way they think "best." They like to "redistribute wealth."

  • Progressives HATE the free market and Capitalism because they are Marxists. They want to destroy Capitalism and crush the free market - including small businesses. They want you to work for the "collective" instead.

  • Progressives believe that the government can, will and should inflict injury to those who they deem deserve their wrath. They decide who's too big to fail and reward them with bailouts and special favors. They punish the rest with taxes, fees, and regulations to control their behavior.

  • Progressives love taxes. They literally "steal" from whoever they want and tyr to re-distribute it because they know what's best.

Look At Where We Are
We have come a long way from the direction our Founding Fathers set for us with using the Constitution. We have been under attack slowly over time. Look at American History. It's all there for you to discover. History DOES repeat itself.

Which way does the present government lean? What does the present government try to tell you? What freedoms have we lost under this administration? Are you better off now that they have taken control?

Be fearful, because they want even more than they have today.

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